How the SQF Program Helps You Manage Hazards Differently

Any food safety program

Any food safety program will require identification of hazards, with SQF you decide the significance and impact of that risk to decide how to handle it.

This process gives your organization more flexibility in the design of your system and process for food safety management. Many programs can help you identify hazards and implement Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), but the SQF Program helps your company weave food safety into your culture, building confidence in your brand. That’s the SQF Difference.

Here’s how this works for our cookie manufacturer:

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SQF Practitioner

The on-site SQF Practitioner at the cookie maker’s site becomes the ambassador of the SQF Code and an internal resource for the company, ensuring a year-round culture of food safety and continuous improvement. 

The requirements for the SQF Practitioner are outlined in Part A, Section 2.1.2 of the SQF Code. This section details the qualifications, roles, and responsibilities that an SQF Practitioner must fulfill to ensure the effective implementation and maintenance of the SQF System within an organization.

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A Food Safety Program

With the SQF Program, the auditor won’t just look to see that the cookie manufacturer’s facility is clean. They will also need to review the cleaning records to verify dates and times and speak with the person responsible for cleaning. These steps are essential to ensure a comprehensive food safety program is in place. That’s the SQF Difference!  
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Practical Food Safety Application

The SQF Program combines the technical aspects of food safety with practical application, resulting in an accessible approach to food safety. For the cookie maker, this means that from senior management to line workers, every level of the company is committed to a high standard of food safety. 
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Part of a Global Team

When you join the SQF Program, your site is not just earning SQF Certification; your team is joining a global community of food safety professionals. With extensive experience, training resources, an annual conference, and a supportive community, our cookie manufacturer can tap into a wealth of knowledge and connect with SQF representatives worldwide, all dedicated to enhancing their food safety efforts. 
CTA preparation for initial SQF certification

The preparation for initial SQF certification takes an estimated 6 to 8 months and is designed to build confidence in your product and brand. Our Get Certified section has details on this process and resources to help along the way.

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Learn more about The SQF Difference