From the cacao producer that makes the chocolate for the chocolate chips, to the sugar cane processor, to the packaging supplier, every cookie manufacturer’s supply chain partner can implement the SQF Program—creating a chain of food safety that inspires brand confidence.
Here’s how this works across a supply chain:
Farm to Fork
Supplier Approval
Not only does the SQF Program cover the entire food chain, but a supplier approval program is also incorporated into the code in section 2.3.4. The code is written for sites to take a risk-based approach to approving suppliers and ingredients to achieve food safety.
An approved supplier program is a set of procedures and controls implemented by the sites to assure the safety of incoming goods and services. It may be based on the risks presented by the material or based on the historical performance of the supplier.
One Standard. One World.
Continuously Updated
The preparation for initial SQF certification takes an estimated 6 to 8 months and is designed to build confidence in your product and brand. Our Get Certified section has details on this process and resources to help along the way.
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