Group 47

SQF Certification is Global.

With over 14,000 certified sites in 40 countries, our mission is to deliver consistent, globally recognized food safety and quality certification programs based on sound scientific principles, applied across all industry sectors, and valued by all stakeholders. Our vision is to be the most trusted global food safety and quality certification and training source.

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SQFI Supports Pollinator Health Through Integrated Pest Management

Pollinators, both insects and animals, are a critical link in our sustainable food system. According to the USDA about one-third of crops produced globally rely on insect or animal pollinators.

Enhancing Farm Resilience and Sustainability Through IPM and Pollinator Protection

Implementing sustainable agriculture practices, including integrated pest management (IPM) and pollinator protection, is crucial...

Why Dietary Supplement Manufacturers Need to Be Proactive

Ensuring the quality of dietary supplements relies on rigorous attention to ingredients, supply chains, and proactive testing.