SQF Consultants

SQF consultants provide guidance to sites seeking certification without managing the site’s SQF program. Registered consultants must demonstrate through their qualifications and/or work experience that they have achieved a satisfactory level of knowledge and experience in a particular food industry sector.

Consultants for SQFI must maintain all standards of client focus, integrity, competency, professionalism, and accountability outlined in the Criteria for SQF Consultants and the SQF Consultant Code of Conduct.

The four-hour SQF Professional Update is a requirement for SQF Professionals seeking annual re-registration with the SQF Program.

Consultant Requirements

The requirements for the SQF consultant are outlined in the Criteria for SQF Consultants document.


All applicants shall successfully complete one of the following SQF training courses and the relevant exam:

  • Implementing SQF Systems or Auditing the SQF Code Requirements or SQF Practitioner Training Program


  • Attend an HACCP training course that meets the definition in the SQF Code;


  • Demonstrate at least five (5) years’ work experience in a food-related technical, professional, or supervisory position involving food safety accountability and the exercise of judgment. At least two (2) of the years shall illustrate the understanding and implementation of SQF or another GFSI benchmarked program;


  • Attest to the SQFI Professional Code of Conduct

Consultant Criteria

The following resources can help you become an SQF consultant. View the SQF Consultant Criteria in:

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