Certification Body Directory
TUV SUD America Inc.
In 1866, our founders had a bold vision to reduce the impact of technological risks and protect people, assets and the environment. More than 150 years on, sustainability and safety continue to be the backbone of our mission and services. Our aim is to inspire trust in technology, enabling progress by managing technology-related risks and facilitating change. This commitment is embodied in our claim “Add value. Inspire trust.” We work progressively towards being the trusted partner of choice for safety, security and sustainability solutions, adding tangible value to our clients globally. As we look towards the future, we believe that sustainability and digitalization will continue to shape the narrative of commerce and society.
Scopes of Accreditation
SQF Food Safety Code: Animal Feed Manufacturing Edition 9.0, SQF Food Safety Code: Animal Product Manufacturing Edition 9.0, SQF Food Safety Code: Aquaculture Edition 9.0, SQF Food Safety Code: Dietary Supplement Manufacturing Edition 9.0, SQF Food Safety Code: Food Manufacturing Edition 9.0, SQF Food Safety Code: Manufacture of Food Packaging Edition 9.0, SQF Food Safety Code: Pet Food Manufacturing Edition 9.0, SQF Food Safety Code: Primary Animal Production Edition 9.0, SQF Food Safety Code: Primary Plant Production Edition 9.0, SQF Food Safety Code: Storage and Distribution Edition 9.0, SQF Quality Code Edition 9.0
Geographic Areas of Service
Caribbean, Central Asia, East Asia, North America, South Asia
Additional Services
SQF Fundamentals Edition 1.1
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