This past spring, the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) hosted a stakeholder consultation on a proposed plan to phase out the GFSI Knowledge Exam. Based on the feedback they received, GFSI will proceed with the plan to phase out the GFSI Knowledge Exam and remove requirements for it from the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements Version 2020.

Please refer to the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements Amendment Document for full details regarding this change to Version 2020.

Effective immediately, SQFI has discontinued the use of the GFSI Knowledge Exam. This requirement no longer part of the application process for SQF Professionals and has been removed from Exemplar Global.

An updated criteria document for SQF Professionals will be available with the release of SQF Edition 9. We hope that in the meantime, you will continue to advance your food safety career by pursuing other forms of training and knowledge validation.

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