By Margaret Core, Vice President, Marketing

Illustration of Globe

Staying ahead of the curve is crucial in the ever-evolving food safety landscape. For site visitors, we understand that efficiency is key and that users often look for one specific resource, topic or question to be answered. Extensive user interviews guided our team as we mapped out a plan to revamp the site in October 2023 for a better user experience and efficient management. 

Here are some of the improvements you’ll experience on the redesigned

Enhanced Functionality

Our revamp focuses on enhancing functionality to make a strong resource for food safety management. When we launch the new site in early October, here's what you can expect:

Improved Navigation

We've restructured the website's layout for intuitive navigation. Finding the tools and resources you need for your food safety program will be simple, allowing you to focus on what matters most – ensuring the safety of your products.

Enhanced Search

A robust search feature will empower you to swiftly locate specific documents, guidelines, and resources. No more unnecessary time digging through archives; it's all at your fingertips.

Getting Started with SQF

Our customer service team provided us guidance on the new site visitors' questions on how to start their food safety management journey. Using their insights and interviews from non-certified practitioners, we worked on key areas to help a practitioner get started in their risk assessment, the relations of SQF and HACCP plans, finding SQF Consultants, Certification Bodies, Training, and more.

Code Selector and Relevant Resource Recommendations

Our new Code Selector puts the Food Sector Categories (FSC) right at your fingertips and helps you build the right code for your business needs. We’ve also tied together each SQF Code with related resources. For example, a user looking to download the SQF Storage and Distribution Food Safety Code will now find a landing page that includes all checklists, guidance documents and related training in a cohesive user experience.

Training Your Way

Our Training and Events section features detailed descriptions of all SQF training options. Our new training search feature lets you easily find upcoming and self-paced training.

Directory Support

For those getting started and looking for a certification body? Our new Certification Body Directory can help you filter to meet your needs and allow you to contact the certification body seamlessly.


For our global food safety community, we’ve expanded our website’s multilingual capabilities. Through AWS translation, we now offer our website content in:

  • English
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • French (Canadian)
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Spanish (Mexican)

Our guidance documents and tip sheets will take advantage of this machine translation so we can offer you more accurate information and resources.

Interactive Resources

We're introducing interactive tools and resources that go beyond static documents. Expect interactive checklists, calculators, and templates that streamline compliance tasks.

Community Engagement

We're fostering community among food safety practitioners and professionals. SQF365 seminars and opportunities will enable site visitors to connect with peers, share insights, and stay informed about industry trends.

Mobile Optimization

The revamped interface will be fully responsive, ensuring that you can access your tools and resources on the go. Whether in the office, in the field, or on-site, your food safety program is just a tap away.

Your Path to Excellence

Our mission is to grow the community and strengthen food safety management. We believe that the revamped will be a trusted global resource on this journey. With enhanced functionality, personalized resources, and a supportive community, we have strengthened the tools to confidently navigate the complex world of food safety.

Stay Tuned

We are diligently working to bring you these improvements, and we can't wait to unveil the new Stay tuned for updates and announcements as we approach the launch date. Your feedback will be invaluable in ensuring we continue to meet your evolving needs in the food safety industry.

Thank you for choosing SQFI as your trusted resource, and we look forward to this exciting journey of growth and excellence together.