How to Send the Message you are Committed to Food Safety and Quality

Aug 31, 2016

ResearchersIn the latest report of the Food Marketing Institute’s (FMI) U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends 2017, when asked the question: Where do shoppers believe food safety problems are most likely to occur along the supply chain, 49% of consumers believe that most food safety problems occur at the manufacturing/processing level.  To protect consumers, retailers are now expecting more from their supplier’s food safety and quality processes.  We believe one way to accomplish this is to be transparent about your food safety and quality programs by marketing and advertising your SQF Certification.

Do your customers know you’re SQF Certified?  You should wear your SQF Certification loud and proud!  You’ve done the hard work and diligence’s that it took to become SQF Certified…why not shout it from your facility rooftop and let your buyers know what you’ve accomplished!  In the 2017 July edition of the SQFI Newsletter we want to highlight the importance of marketing and advertising your SQF Certification to your buyers and provide tools and resources you can share with your marketing team to utilize your SQF Certification in new and creative ways.

Because of the reputation and recognition that the SQF brand has to buyers and suppliers, showing that you are SQF Certified will send a message that you are committed to food safety and quality, and believe in the vision of doing your part to ensure that safe food is delivered to the consumer.

SQF Certification

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