It’s 2018…and we’d like to take this opportunity to officially wish all of our stakeholders a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
It’s a new year…this is a perfect time for a fresh start and to reset some habits and behaviors that aren’t making you be the best you possible. What makes you come alive? Are you honoring your calling and following your path? Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions? A resolution is simply a course of action that you have decided on that you are determined to complete.
Don’t set yourself up for failure by vowing to make resolutions that will be hard to keep. Instead follow these seven steps for successfully making New Year’s resolution you can keep!
At SQFI we have a new code and have set the bar high with our resolutions, otherwise known as goals, on a business level but in this newsletter you’re going to learn about our personal resolutions for 2018. Make sure to ask us how we’re doing with our resolutions when you see us out and about!
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”—– Howard Thurman.
I’m thrilled to share an update on our journey in developing SQF Code Edition 10—a process built on collaboration, transparency, and shared industry insights.
The Certified SQF Practitioner Credential, offered by SQFI, is a prestigious milestone that recognizes professionals who have dedicated themselves to advancing food safety standards.
I’ve dedicated my career to food safety, and one of the most rewarding aspects of my work is helping others showcase their expertise in a meaningful way.