SQF FSMA Resources

Apr 18, 2018

product-thumb-SQF-advanced-practitionerAccording to the FDA, the “Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is the most sweeping reform of our food safety laws in more than 70 years…”

Sorting through the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Final Rules can be a time consuming and confusing task. We’ve put together our FSMA Resource page to help you understand the legal and regulatory complexities of FSMA while alleviating some of the pain points our stakeholders are struggling with regarding implementation and execution.

Consuming safe food is a basic human right we all have and being in the food safety industry gives us all the opportunity to contribute to the strengthening of food safety requirements.

We at SQFI realize the importance of this reform and have taken the necessary steps to create additional resources that will assist our stakeholders to strengthen their food safety programs and meet the robust requirements of the FSMA PC rule.

In response to FSMA, SQFI has developed a voluntary SQF Preventive Control Audit Checklist and guidance document for stakeholders to use as a guide for identifying the necessary steps to bridge any gaps between a company’s SQF Program and the PC rule.

FSMA Resources for You

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