by LeAnn Chuboff, Vice President, Technical Affairs
Brag Alert! I was so thrilled to see two SQF Certified organizations showcased in this wonderful partnership story. The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank has partnered with Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) and Daisy Brand to help use the surplus milk from area farmers, providing those in need with food while preventing waste. With COVID-19 disruptions Ohio dairy farmers have said they’ve suffered and have had to dump milk. The partnership between the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank, DFA, and Daisy, has resulted in a plan to convert the surplus milk into cottage cheese. What a fantastic, creative partnership!
In 2009, DFA implemented the Safe Quality Foods (SQF) initiative in all of its plants in the United States. The DFA investment in the program certifies that a supplier’s food is created, prepared, and handled according to the highest possible standards throughout the supply chain. Plants that undergo the SQF certification process have documented proof that food safety protocols are in place within their facilities. SQF audits include an evaluation of a plant’s facilities, checking for potential food safety issues, and the plant’s policies and procedures, all the way down to employee compliance. Daisy Brand is SQF certified and has participated well in planning for the SQF Conference and other areas.
Ensuring the safety and integrity of stored and distributed food products is paramount to every operation.
Pollinators, both insects and animals, are a critical link in our sustainable food system. According to the USDA about one-third of crops produced globally rely on insect or animal pollinators.
Implementing sustainable agriculture practices, including integrated pest management (IPM) and pollinator protection, is crucial...