
We have a variety of newsletters designed to keep you informed about our latest program resources and activities and food safety news and insights. 


SQF SmartBrief

An insider’s guide to the food safety industry designed specifically for food safety and quality management professionals, which arrives in your inbox three times a week. This newsletter is only available in English. 

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SQF Monthly Newsletter

The SQF monthly newsletter provides the latest updates in the food safety community including information about community events, training opportunities, FDA updates, new blog posts, food safety tips, and much more. This newsletter is available in English, Spanish or Japanese. 

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SQF Professional Training Newsletter

Designed for auditors, consultants, and trainers who want to stay informed of updates and issues that impact the food safety industry and the global food supply chain. This newsletter is only available in English. 

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SQF Practitioner Training Newsletter

For individuals that work at a site to oversee the development, implementation, review, and maintenance of the site’s SQF system. This newsletter is only available in English. 

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